Stop Playing These Cards. These Are Just Excuses. You Are Just Not Willing To Do What It Takes To Get Your Ass To a Yoga Class. Admit It & Let's Move On.
The Money Argument-Every single yoga studio in Charlotte has Karma/discounted yoga classes. I am sure it is the same for most yoga communities around the world. All these classes should be packed with yogi's thankful for a financial break but that is not the case. They are often the least attended. Y2 Yoga even has a program where you can clean before and after class and get free yoga. You would think that I would have a volunteer for every class I teach but for the whole month of August, I have only had one and I teach 5 classes a week.
I know of yoga studio owners who have actually given scholarships for yoga & have put people on staff so they could practice and do teacher training for free or at discounted rates. If a person is truly poor, which most people in America have no clue what that really looks like, the studios will work with them. Usually the people who complain about price think it is more important to have Starbucks, cable TV, fancy shoes, tickets to the movies, and lobster dinners then it is to do yoga.
I will never forget when a couple of my private students said they could not afford to continue with me but then proceeded to talk about how they were going to South Park Mall, the swankiest mall in Charlotte, after class to shop for make up. Priorities.
The Diversity Argument- No one sets out to have a studio without diversity. They open the doors and teach to whomever shows up. If it happens to be all White women are they supposed to turn them away because it makes the studio look non diverse? If everyone wears Lululemon and drives a BMW are they supposed to tell them to go home? If everyone wears size zero and practices half naked is the studio supposed to feed them doughnuts and full fat milk? No, you take their money and you pay the rent.
If the studio sees that teachers or students are creating a non inclusive environment, they can speak to it. They can go out in the community and speak to diverse audiences about yoga but in the end, they have no control over who shows up and you teach to who is in front of you.
The Argument For Yoga in Disenfranchised gonna pay it? Even though those who understand the benefits of yoga see it as a necessity, most people see it as a luxury. Most yoga studio owners are bankrupt and up to their eyeballs in debt. They cannot afford to take the risk of opening a studio in an area where the population is not known for having disposable income.
The Arugment For Normal Looking People in Ads- We all like pretty things. That is why we "oo" and "ahh" when we see flowers and gag when we see poop. That is why no matter how awesome an actor Forest Whitteker is, we wouldn't want him to play, heart throb, Christian Grey in the upcoming movie 50 Shades of Grey. It has been scientifically proven that pretty looking things have a certain effect on us. Advertiserers want to get the biggest bang for their buck so they go with what has the greatest effect.
The problem is not that advertisers use pretty things to catch our eye. The problem is that we actually belieive the images are a representation of everyday life & take advertisments at face value.
The Argument For Speciality Yoga Classes For Blacks-Anybody remember seperate but equal from the civil rights era? I thoght MLK and all the people who got lynched, attacked by dogs, hung from trees and sprayed with water hoses fought so we could be together in one room and do stuff.
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Love this article, Shanna. So happy that I get a little piece of you in my inbox regularly.
Posted by: Fe'Lix | August 30, 2012 at 06:05 AM
I miss you. Hope your family is well.
Posted by: Shanna Small | August 31, 2012 at 05:49 AM
Thanks for visiting my blog! Nice to find yours as well. :)
Posted by: LaGitane | September 20, 2012 at 09:49 AM
Posted by: Shanna Small | September 21, 2012 at 05:48 AM